This page is for NWFG members – all articles, news, photos and sightings welcome. Please email to be included here.
The updated Key to Earthtongues by Irene Ridge with thanks to Mal Greaves and David Harries (DRAFT) Download
An interview with Professor Bruce Ing by Paul F Hamlyn View
Meaning of the Latin Names of Fungi – with thanks to the late Dr Bob Cundall, a founder of the Mid Yorkshire Fungus Group Download
A couple of unpublished articles relating to Red Campion rusts by Debbie Evans
Uromyces behenis Download The Other Hosts of Puccinia arenariae Download
A3 Spore Comparison Poster to scale with special thanks to Sebastien Basso

Peachy Steve’s UK Waxcaps (Android)
* an interactive key to identify waxcap species
* gallery of images with pinch-to-zoom
* detailed notes on each species by Steve Hindle of the National Trust
Chart for Russula macrochemical reactions
Russula Colour Reactions Chart
Google Translated Piximètre Manual (PDF) Download
The online tutorial is only available in French. However, Bharati Mandapati of Berkeley, California, took the time to Google Translate the PDF manual into English.
Another English-speaking user, BORIS ASSYOV on his website, has produced a short but sufficient presentation in English which can help you quickly get started with the software, although it was written for an earlier version Link
Piximètre software can be downloaded Here
Fascinating Fungal Finds
Mike Hall’s presentation is in two parts. The main part describes some of the less usual fungi he encountered during his time as Hon Reserve Manager at Burns Beck Moss SSSI from 1997 to 2020 for Cumbria Wildlife Trust. Burns Beck Moss is a relatively unmodified example of a combined valley and raised mire complex which is rare both locally, and on a national scale, and provides a habitat for many animal and plant species.In the second part Mike briefly introduces the study of dung fungi.
Mycological diversions during a pandemic year
John Watt describes some of the interesting finds from forays, his own and NWFGs mini-ones, during 2020. This will be a great opportunity to hear about the detective work that is sometimes needed to pin down a species identification.
Identifying Bonnet (Mycena) species with Dr Irene Ridge
With reference to commonly encountered species, Irene describes the macro and micro features to look out for. Irene also introduces other genera whose members can be mistaken for Mycenas.